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5 reasons to join one of our Upskilling Micros

#newsflash our all-new Upskilling Micros teach you the soft skills employers want

The way you communicate or present yourself, your work ethic and emotional intelligence, your leadership and self awareness are things that are critical to career success. But how much of this is taught in school or in tertiary courses? 

Maybe you’ve heard the term “soft skills'' thrown around. That’s what we call skills like these that help you solve problems, work as a team and feel motivated

A massive 91.2% of respondents rated problem solving skills the most crucial attribute in any potential employee, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2020 survey. 

Technical courses that teach you how to be a lawyer, engineer, accountant or carpenter usually don’t dive into soft skills, which is why we’ve recently launched the first of many short, 40-minute Upskilling Microprograms that go deep on skills you can apply to your professional and personal lives.

Not only are these skills transferable across industries, but they also help us build relationships and get ahead in life 📈

Here are 5 reasons why you should definitely add an Upskilling Micro (or three) to your to-do list this year ✅

1. The skills are transferable across industries

After school you might go on to further study, learning specific skills like certain computer programs, legal frameworks or other technical skills to do your future career well. One thing that is often overlooked during this upskilling phase of your life is what we call “soft skills”.

Soft skills are extremely valuable as they can transfer across industries. Impress your future boss with credentials on skills like communication and problem solving. It shows them you care enough to learn how to be a better listener and the art of persuasion.

2. The micros will help you think about how you act professionally 

Good leadership starts with listening. And becoming a better listener is something you can learn in our Communication Upskilling Micro. These short programs will ask questions and use exercises to make you think about the way you behave at work and in life. We hope they inspire simple everyday behavioural shifts that will turn you into an irresistible candidate for any job.

3. You’ll walk away with real skills that make you more employable

Let’s say you’re looking to hire a graduate. You receive 30 resumes of young, ambitious people who all have the exact same university degree. What makes you stand out above the rest? Sadly having just a single qualification isn’t enough to rise above the crowd. Extracurricular activities, hobbies and – most importantly – professional courses are what will make you rise to the top.

Better yet, once you’ve completed a few of our Upskilling Micros you will earn a Microcredential that you can proudly display on your resume or digital profiles. 

4. Each Upskilling Mirco take just 40 minutes

There’s 24 hours in every day. Do you think you could put aside time to complete just one 40-minute course that will make you think and give you #lifeskills? We know you can 🙃

We’ve made our Upskilling Micros short and punchy but big on detail and learning so you’ll make the most of your precious time ⏱️

5. They’re free!

That’s right, each Upskilling Micro will cost you exactly zero dollars 🤑They say the best things in life are free, and we think our new micros are great.

Curious and ready to dive in? Check out The Fundamentals of Communication and our Problem Solving Boot Camp. Keep an eye out on our Upskilling Micros page here for upcoming short courses on Self Awareness and Work Ethic. We’ll be releasing at least one new Micro every month.

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